Taking responsibility for the environment seriously

We are The Offshore Pollution Liability Association Limited
We exist to provide an orderly means for the settlement of claims arising out of an escape or discharge of oil from offshore operations and to manage the arrangements whereby companies operating oil and gas exploration and production facilities on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) and/or the territorial waters of other designated states have the financial means, to the limits required by OPOL, to meet remediation costs and to compensate those who suffer damage as a result of such an escape or discharge of oil from offshore operations.
What is the OPOL Agreement?
Oil and gas operators carrying out exploration or production operations on the UKCS are party to a voluntary industry mutual agreement known as the Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement.
Learn more about what we do
The OPOL Association was set up in 1974 to facilitate and administer the OPOL Agreement. We are a not-for-profit organisation that oversees the compliance of members with their obligations under the OPOL Agreement.
Become a member
Our membership is made up of oil and gas operators exploring or producing on the UKCS and/or the territorial waters of other designated states who mutually agree to comply with their obligations under the OPOL Agreement.
To become a member, you’ll need to submit a Membership Application Form, followed by the relevant evidence of financial responsibility.